2021年3月、島根県立石見美術館で開催された展覧会「コズミックワンダーと工藝ぱんくす舎 ノノ かみと布の原郷」の図録が上梓されました。これを記念しまして図録発表の展覧会をいたします。「ノノ かみと布の原郷」展は、工藝ぱんくす舎が2年に渡り、自然布、手漉きの紙、日本古来の精神が宿る場所を求めて日本各地を巡り、その残された印象や精神性を独自の解釈で構成する展覧会となりました。またそれらから浮かび上がるものを捉え「ノノ お水え」も開催しました。
この展覧会を収録した図録は、本文と図版はオフセット印刷と孔版印刷、表紙は徳島県拝宮の中村 功氏の和紙に活版印刷、さらに佐賀県唐津の前田崇治氏の大麻布紙を貼り込んだ手製本です。
図録発表の展覧会では「ノノ お水え」の為に制作した、コズミックワンダーと工藝ぱんくす舎の紙衣、紙蓑、道具と蒐集した自然布や靭皮繊維などを展示いたします。新緑の中でごゆっくりご鑑賞くださいませ。
5月27日(土)より、Center for COSMIC WONDERでも同時発売いたします。
図録「ノノ かみと布の原郷」
発行:2023年3月21日 赤々舎
表紙和紙:中村 功
11:00 – 18:00 *31日(水)休廊
T/F 0771-82-1782
COSMIC WONDER with Kogei Punks Sha
“NONO a native spirit of Kami and Cloth”, an exhibition commemorating the publication of the catalogue
We are pleased to announce the publication of the catalogue of the exhibition “NONO a native spirit of Kami and Cloth” by COSMIC WONDER with Kogei Punks Sha. The exhibition was held at the Shimane Iwami Art Museum in March 2021 and the catalogue is published by AKAAKASHA. In preparation for the exhibit, Kogei Punks Sha spent two years traveling around Japan and researching native fabrics, handmade papers, and sites where ancient spirits dwell. The exhibition was shaped by their unique interpretations of spirituality. “NONO OMIZUE” was also held to capture what emerged from these experiences.
The catalogue is offset printed with additional stencil printing. The cover is letterpress printed on washi (paper) by Isao Nakamura of the Haigyu Area, Tokushima Prefecture, and bound by hand. Also included is a special insert of washi made of fibers from beaten taima-fu (hemp cloth) by Takaharu Maeda of Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture.
For this exhibition to launch the catalogue, we will display Kamikoromo (paper garments), Kamimino (paper raincoats), and tools made by COSMIC WONDER with Kogei Punks Sha for “NONO OMIZUE,” alongside a selection of native fabrics and bast fibers. Please take your time to enjoy the exhibition in the fresh greenery. The catalogue will be released at the Center for COSMIC WONDER on Saturday, May 27.
Exhibition catalogue “NONO a native spirit of Kami and Cloth”
Published : March 21, 2023 by AKAAKASHA
Book concept : Kogei Pankus Sha (Yukinori Maeda, Sumiko Ishii)
Design : Maki Yoshimura
Cover Washi : Isao Nakamura
First edition : 1000 copies
Exhibition period:
May 27 (Sat) – June 4 (Sun), 2023
11am – 6pm *Closed on Wednesday, May 31
gallery hakuden
7 Moriyamada, Kyotanba-cho, Funai-gun, Kyoto
t/f 0771-82-1782
Fish drying hut, Okidomari area, Shimane Prefecture
(circa 1945-30, when Fuji-fu (wisteria cloth) fishing nets were in use)