gallery白田 10月営業日






石井直人 陶器個展 at 台北 小慢


石井直人 陶器個展



石井直人さんは、30 年前に自分の窯を建て、そこから生涯にわたる陶芸との関わりが始まりました。薪窯での高温焼成の過程で、土の質を深く理解する必要があり、土鍋、鉢、皿は予測不可能な窯変化を経て、そのひび割れやまだらな色が原始的な美しさを形成します。これらはすべて自由で、本物であり、その精神が作品に込められています。


《茶・米・油・塩 茶会》


茶人:Anny 料理家:Yuwen
参加費:NT 2,800





日本國寶級作家 — 石井直人,住家與工作室在一片原野中的茅草屋,30年前自建登窯,開啟了他一生與陶的羈絆。木燒窯在高溫燒製過程中,必須深厚考驗對土質的理解,土鍋、碗、盤經歷不可預測的窯變,裂痕和斑駁色彩形成一種原始的美感,粗獷且富有生命力,這一切自由、真實、精神都楔入於作品中。



at min 

Gwen Chan 氏が主宰するシンガポールにあるmin


9月1日(日)迄、石井直人の作品、石井すみ子の布作品、Light and Willの日本の籠をご紹介いただいております。金、土、日のアポイント制となっております。是非、お立ち寄りくださいませ。

▷▷ min



Naoto Ishii Sumiko Ishii Light and Will at min


Photograph : Gwen Chan


2024 8.8 – 9.1

▷▷  min

in Singapore


Blue Flame
Blue is known as a cool colour and red as a warm colour. It is the opposite for fire, blue flame is the hottest, followed by white, yellow, orange, and red. Early this year, during Naoto Ishii’s wood firing, we watched over the flame for three days. The energy and sound of the fire crackling still unfolds in me from time to time. As we cared for the life of the fire, we the humans also bonded and in August I’m blessed to share the works of Naoto Ishii (potter, artist), Sumiko Ishii (kogei designer), Light and Will (japanese basketry) at min.

Naoto Ishii and Sumiko Ishii live in Kyoto countryside where their straw roof house sits nestled amongst trees, creating an inner world where life, work and nature are closely woven together.


Naoto Ishii
A potter artist. He works with a range of clay fired in his self built climbing kiln. Over time his works reflect the depth of who he is. This year marks the 30th year of his climbing kiln and we are pleased to share selected pieces fired this spring.

Sumiko Ishii
A kogei designer (japanese craft designer). She engages in handwork and craftsmanship that is born through the blessings of nature, mindfulness and care of human hands, to give form to things that fall like droplets from within everyday life. There will be a series of beautiful textile works designed and made by Sumiko Ishii.

Light and Will
Travels around Japan in search of basketry that connect the ancient, present and future. Working with various basketry artisan to create a collection of works and documenting the process of making. At this exhibition, there will be baskets made with sawa walnuts, wild grapes, wild cherry blossoms, nemagari bamboos, shell gingers and kubas made by various artisans from Akita, Nagano, Taketomi and Yonaguni.

Photograph : Light and Will